The League of Women Voters encourages political responsibility through the informed and active participation of citizens in Government. Citizens influence public policy through education and advocacy. To fulfill its Citizen Education Mission the League assembles, publishes, and distributes League election-related nonpartisan publications.

VOTE411 is a voter election guide published in two (2) languages (English, Spanish), available before Election Day. It contains accurate unbiased election voting information, including registration deadlines, ballot questions, and a list of candidates and their answers to issue-related questions.

VOTE411 Click here for access to the VOTE411 website.

Enter your address below, for personalized voting information just for you!

PRINCE WILLIAM AND FAUQUIER COUNTY TOP TENS – What you need to know to vote – All on one page.

Prince William County and Fauquier County League members have produced “Top Ten” documents for both counties. These Top Tens are valuable resources for voters, giving them quick and pertinent information about upcoming elections.

TopTen Fauquier Mar PRIMARY 2024

TopTen Prince William Mar PRIMARY 2024