June 24 Webinar – Parks, Recreation and Tourism Plan Adopted in 2020 – Where is it now?
Report Card: How is Prince William County Implementing (or Not Implementing) the “Parks, Recreation and Tourism” Plan Adopted in 2020?
Prince William County adopted a 2040 Comprehensive Plan chapter for its green spaces, cultural resources, and tourism in 2020.
In 2024, it is time to measure progress. What policies and proposals for action have been implemented? What are in process, and what are still untapped opportunities?
Why? Because what gets measured… gets managed. There is a return on investment in county planning when final products guide actions. If a plan just gathers dust on a shelf, all that citizen involvement and staff time was wasted..
Remember as a student asking “will this be on the test?” County plans will be a more-reliable guide to the future, and not just a public relations exercise, if local officials know that residents will be monitoring implementation.
Are Prince William County officials serious about planning, “winging it” at different decision points, or just ignoring what was adopted? What is the relationship between the county plan and the county budget? (To identify priorities, follow the money.)
The LWV-Prince William/Fauquier Chapter will start its report card assessments with the Parks, Recreation and Tourism chapter. Join us on Zoom at 7:00-8:00pm on June 24. Register at SignUp Genius.