Volunteer Opportunities
Wondering what to do with your time, now that you are a member of the League? There are always opportunities to volunteer your time and talents. This listing will be updated as new opportunities are available. To sign up, use SignUp Genius on the Calendar page.
Ad Hoc Membership Packet Committee
LWV-PWA members have recommended, and the Board has approved, the creation and distribution of informational materials for new and current members. Cathy Ring-Grymes has agreed to be the point person for this effort, with support from Jessie Barringer, our Membership chair and other Board members.
The creation of hard copy packets and their distribution is planned for early 2021. Help is needed to organize, duplicate, collate and mail or deliver information.
A Zoom meeting will be held for all volunteers in early January to finalize plans and tasks.
Ad Hoc Committee to Update “They Represent You”
Help is needed for publishing “They Represent You 2021” You can help by doing research on the newly elected Officials at the Federal, State, County, Cities, and Town levels (supplying emails and phone numbers). Or you can spend some time with proof-reading to catch any typos or errors.
In addition, with a very tight budget extra funding may be needed. A request has been submitted once again to NOVEC who has supported this publication for several years. Last year, we spent nearly $3,200 to print 7,500, 12 page, colored brochures. So if anyone has connections or ideas for support to our Educational Fund for these please let Connie Gilman know (conniewg51@gmailcom or 703-209-3134).
Please let us know if and how you can assist with this important educational effort by January 5th, 2021.
A Zoom meeting will be set up to coordinate tasks for this effort when committee members have been identified.