May 25, What’s Happening with MY DEMOCRACY?

NAACP Presents First Webinar, May 25, 10:30 am

What’s Happening with MY DEMOCRACY?

The Northern Virginia Democracy Center and the PWNAACP have formed a partnership of nonpartisan organizations committed to civic engagement. We plan to conduct a series of webinars titled “What’s Happening with My Democracy?” Each session, we will explore how various topics such as Women’s Health, Voting Rights, the Supreme Court, Economic Justice and Environmental Concerns can be impacted within a Democracy.

Our inaugural webinar series will focus on Criminal Justice and is scheduled for May 25, coinciding with the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.

Our moderator will be Judge Jackie Lucas. Panelists are: Attorney Chris Keiser – Virginia ACLU Policy Director, Sandra Antoine – former Restoration of Rights Special Assistant to the Governor and Dr. Kenneth Nixon – V.O.I.C.E. Policy Director. Opening our discussion will be Rev. Cozy Bailey – Virginia NAACP President and member of the state Judicial Inquiry Review Board.

Click here to Join Us!

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July 24, Book Discussion

Mark your calendars for the next book discussion scheduled for July 24th, from 11:30 – 1:30, at the Effingham Manor and Winery. The title is Beautiful Country: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood, by Qian Julie Wang.

You will be able to register using SignUp Genius in June or contact Connie Gilman.

April 29, 2024, Affordable Housing Webinar – View Recording

April 29
#2 in the Series, What’s Going on Around Here, and How Can We Find Out
Webinar Series

Speaker, Charlie Grymes, Chair of LWV-PWFA Land Use Study Committee

In July 2021, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors initiated amendments to the zoning text and county code to create an Affordable Housing Dwelling Unit Ordinance that would help people with incomes at or below the area median income live in the county while maintaining a basic lifestyle and meeting basic living needs. A draft of that ordinance is now available for public review and input at

Charlie Grymes has given us an overall look at the draft Affordable Dwelling Unit Ordinance, and a survey link has been set up so that we can provide input by April 30.

Click on the recording here.

Note: You may be asked for the Passcode: MF14+wwe

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